Appliance tagging services are a vital aspect of any workplace safety and risk mitigation plan. Appliance testing and tagging is your way to detect and fix any defects in your workplace electrical equipment before they become a safety issue to you, your employees, and your workplace. The Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 states that all employers need to provide their employees with a safe working space and appliance tagging goes a long way to achieving this.
By engaging in appliance tagging you can gain a clear idea of the state of your electrical appliances and this carries benefits far beyond ensuring safety. Defective equipment is also inefficient equipment meaning it costs you money by performing below its best and using excess electricity.
So, what appliances does an appliance test and tag apply to?
Portable Electrical Tools
Most workplaces use portable electrical tools during their income generating activities. Portable tools get moved and thrown around a lot which makes them susceptible to damage and wear and tear. Wear and tear is a common cause of electrical faults and problems which is why it’s vital that all your portable electrical tools are subjected to appliance testing services.
A portable electrical tool is basically anything that is plugged in to a power outlet. A testing and tagging service will test everything from the chord to the internal circuits to ensure everything is running safely and efficiently.
If you look around your workplace you’ll find that it is filled with appliances. Your office will have computers, printers and photocopiers. The kitchen will have a fridge, a microwave, a kettle and maybe a sandwich toaster. The workplace itself will also have a range of appliances depending on the work you undertake.
We use these appliances on a daily basis which is why appliances testing is so important. A microwave can be deadly if it has a damaged cord and you could lose important data if your computer short circuits. As an employer, it’s also your duty to ensure that all the electrical appliances that your staff work with are safe and as a business owner you need to ensure that you are getting the most out of your assets. Appliance testing and tagging satisfies all of these needs without you having to lift a finger.
Power Boards
Power boards are the cause of so many electrical problems. Power boards are charged with regulating large amounts of electricity, which is why it’s no wonder that untested power boards have been the culprits for disasters such as fires and electrocution. An appliance test on your power board will make sure that it is in perfect working order and capable of performing the task you need it to.
A test and tag service will also provide you with the education you need to ensure you’re using your power boards properly and not overloading them or leaving them in dangerous places.
Extension Cords
Extension cords are an incredibly valuable appliance and most workplaces use them on a daily basis. They allow us to complete jobs where there is no power outlet and increase our mobility around the workplace. Extension cords seem like a fairly simple appliance but they can be incredibly dangerous if they have any faults.
Appliance tagging services will check every inch of your extension cord and plug to make sure they are a safe way for you to transfer electricity from the wall outlet to your appliances. The way you use your extension cords is also vital in creating a safe workplace. A test and tag professional will ensure you aren’t using your extension cords improperly. Common mistakes with extension cord use include plugging cords into each other, allowing them to run through wet places and letting them be walked or driven over. A professional will also make recommendations about getting more power outlets installed if they believe your workplace is using too many extension cords.
Basically, any and all items that plug into power points need regular testing and tagging.
An appliance testing service is the only way you can ensure the electrical safety and efficiency of your workplace. If you’re not getting your appliances tested and tagged you’re doing a disservice to your employees, your workspace and your enterprise.
If it’s been a while since your appliances have been tested and tagged, or you just want to make sure you’re getting the most out of your appliances and your power bill, contact Anmar Solutions today. Our skilled and expert technicians will conduct rigorous testing to our exacting standards to make sure your appliances are up to standard and working perfectly.